Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Finishing daughter Linda's movie, Rawa Kehidupan

Return to Linomoyo

Lepmil crew and I went to Linomoyo in Konawe Utara, Sulawesi Tenggara, to complete filming of Linda's movie "Rawa Kehidupan", in 2011.

Uki and Ekeng: Coffee stop on the road from Kendari

I promised I would return one day. The community leader Pak Taufiq said "Learn Indonesian and come back and talk with us". But when I finally got back there to thank him for his inspiration, Pak Taufiq was absent on a visit to South Sulawesi.

Early morning - just before the mountain cloud, and my tummy bug, arrived. The thumb-like lump on that mountain is said to be growing taller, so I want to compare next time!

Village life, and the 10 point village program

Ekeng [the movie director] Jhoni and Uki who were part of the support crew, and I were able to see much development and increase in prosperity in the village. 

 Pak Sumardin's large house - room for his growning family, but consternation at least for me - no bathroom! Not even running water. Maybe next time ...

A substantial dermaga, or pier, has been built on the river; there are new houses including a large one for the Village Head [Kepala Desa] Pak Sumardin; there are new areas of sawah and other crops; and last year there was a very popular local fishing competition. 

This is the "dermaga", built to facilitate the fishing industry that is the real wealth of the village at the moment.

Pak Sumardin never did support the offer of a Chinese company to mine the limestone of the mountains which inspired "Rawa Kehidupan". But now he is supported by the rest of the village to establish an eco-tourism industry based around the river and swamp, forest and lakes, limestone mountains and caves once inhabited by ancient peoples, and birdlife. 

A large pink heron                                                          Merging of swamp, river, mountains and sky

Ekeng recorded the traditional stories recounted by Pak Sumardin and Pak Idris, which Ekeng will transcribe. I will translate and return them to the community as bilingual stories so they will not be lost to future generations as they learn other languages.

0ur dinner, a magnificent example of river fish called 'mas', arrived, carried by a proud fisherman who was delighted to have not only a receptive audience but one which was ready to buy his catch.

Fisherman and fish, and the River Lalindu.                                                        

This beautiful little lake, such an amazing colour, is in the middle of the new cropland.

Blue Lake in Linomoyo

Unfortunately I picked up a tummy bug so we had to leave after only one night. However we did achieve the main purposes of our visit: an update on the village affairs and the traditional stories.

A seriously beautiful place!

Thanks to Lepmil crew Anwar Sufriyadi Landimuru, Kaka Ekeng, Jhoni Egas and driver Nyoman for their patience and care.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Yayasan di Desa Ungge, pernah bernama Baloq Sade Foundation


Pada hari Sabtu Pak Jason Cromarty dan saya berkunjung ke Baloq Sade Foundation sekali lagi.Kali ini saya menghadiri kamp untuk anak-anak yang menghadiri BSF untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris diluar jam sekolah.

Jadi kira-kira 70 murid berumur 6 - 19 tahun tiba pada jam dua. Mereka semua sangat gembira. Hujan tiba juga, tetapi hujan segera berhenti. Banyak kegiatan diatur untuk hiburan anak-anak. Acara mulai dengan membuat hiasan kepala dengan lambang untuk tim masing-masing.

Ada tujuh tim untuk akhir pekan ini, jadi anakk-anak memilih jantung, bintang dan lain sebagaianya. Berikutnya ada persaingan, misalnya nyanian. Kemudian ada cerita "Snow White" ditulis sebagai drama oleh murid-murid. Penunjukan wayang adat digunakan untuk menceritakan yang lain.

Pada hari Minggu pagi, langsung sesudah subuh, anak-anak terhibur oleh pertunjukan Junaid dari senam dengan musik. Kemudian saya menikmati jalan di sawah dengan satu kelompok anank-anak untuk "scavenger hunt" - nanti saya jatuh di lumpur.

Berikutnya ada persaingan masak, dengan tempe, tahu, sayuran - bahan yang semua harus dimasak di atas api, untuk uji rasa oleh juri persaingan. Semua makanan rasanya lezat! Jadi pengutuskan yang sangat sulit.

Kamp ini berakhir sebelum makan siang, jadi guru-guru bisa membungkus tenda-tenda dan selesai membersihkan tempat itu. Kamp itu sangat berhasil, semoga saya bisa mengikut dengan satu sama lain.


On Saturday Jason Cromarty and I visited Baloq Sade Foundation once again. This time I attended a camp for children who attend BSF to study English outside school hours.

So about 70 students aged 6 - 19 arrived by 2.00. There were all very excited. Rain arrived also, but the rain soon stopped. There were many activities arranged for the entertainment of the children. The event began with making headdresses with a symbol for each team.

There were 7 teams for this weekend, so the children chose heart, star and other symbols. Next there were competitions, for e.g. singing. Then there was the story of "Snow White" written as a play by the pupils. A performance of traditional shadow puppets were used to tell another story.

On Sunday morning directly after morning prayers, the children were entertained by a performance by Junaid of exercise with music. Then I enjoyed a walk in the sawah with a group of children for a "scavenger hunt" - until I fell in the mud.

Next there was a cooking competition, with tempeh, tofu, vegetables - ingredients which must be cookd on a fire for taste test by jury. Everything tasted delicious! So the decision was very difficult.

Camp ended before lunch, so teachers could pack tents and finish cleaning up. The camp was very successful, I hope I can attend again another time.

Pembukaan Museum dan Pusat Kultural di Baloq Sade Foundation

Tahun yang lalu, pada 2014, saya berkunjung ke Baloq Sade Foundation yang terletak di desa Ungga di dekat Mataram di Pulau Lombok. Pada waktu itu, BSF hanya punya satu tujuan: pengajaran bahasa Inggris ke murid-murid, di luar jam sekolah. Saya berkunjung ke BSF lagi minggu yang lalu dan melihat ada banyak yang telah terjadi, dengan dua gedung baru yang dibangun sejak kunjungan saya.

Saya menghadiri pembukaan Museum dan Pusat Budaya BSF. Kira-kira 70 anak-anak yang menghadiri kelas bahasa Inggris di sana, juga hadir untuk ambil bagian di acara ini. Mereka mewakili beberapa kampung yang belajar di BSF. Mereka terlibat cantik dan gagah, memakai pemakaian adat yang berwarna-warni.

Dua pemimpin proyek ini, bernama Pak Maskur dan Pak Junait, berbicara tentang awal BSF dibangun mulai dan dikembangkan. Museum ini akan menjaga dan melestarikan sejarah desa-desa ini, dan toko seni yang baru dibangun sudah  menyediakan lapangan pekerjaan untuk banyak orang dan pendapatan untuk masyarakat.

Di toko seni ini ada perhiasan dijual, dibuat oleh laki-laki yang pernah membuat kris-kris. Sekarang laki-laki ini menggunakan perak, mutiara dan kerang untuk membuat cincin, gelang dan kalung. Di bagian depan museum ada tampilan berwarna-warni kain adat yang juga tersedia untuk dijual.

Juga ada hiburan di hari itu. Musik adat di mainkan menggunakan tambur, rincik, dan suling. Satu penari yang perempuan memilih pasangan penari yang datang dengan uang diantara jempolnya. Kemudian ada  beberapa serangan pertempuran adat, menggunakan tongkat dan perisai. Pertempuran ini tersebut Persean yang pernah digunakan menyebabkan hujan. Pada waktu ini, pertempuran ini digunakan oleh laki-laki desa pertunjukan kekuatan dan keterampilan. Ketika wasit menunjukkan pesaing yang sudah memang, pemenang menampilkan sebangga seperti merak.

Akan tetapi masih ada satu tujuan yang paling penting: mengajar bahasa Inggris ke semua anak-anak yang tinggal di desa-desa sekitar. Mudah-mudahan dengan dukungan masyarakat dan sejarah mereka, dan juga ide modern dari pengetahuan bahasa Inggris, anak-anak ini bisa mendapatkan pendidikan untuk dapat mengembangkan dirinya bagi Indonesia dan juga bagi dunia: itu yang di Indonesia, dan juga yang diluar negeri.

Opening of the Museum and Cultural Centre in Baloq Sade Foundation.

Last year in 2014 I visited Baloq Sade Foundation which is situated in the village of Ungga near Mataram in Lombok. At that time, BSF had only one function: the teaching of English to pupils outside school hours. I visited BSF again last week and could see there is much which has happened, with two new buildings which have been built since my last visit.

I attended the opening of the Museum and Cultural Centre of BSF. About 70 children who attend English classes there, were also present to take part in the ceremony. They represent several kampung who study at BSF. They looked beautiful and handsome, wearing colourful traditional clothes.

Two project leaders, Pak Maskur and Pak Junet, spoke about the beginning of BSF, being built and expanded. This museum will keep and conserve the history of these villages, and the new art shop which has just been built provides opportunities for jobs for many people and income for the community.

In the shop there is jewellery for sale, made by men who once made kris. Now these men use silver, pearls and shells to make rings, bracelets and necklaces. In the front part of the museum there is a colourful display of traditional cloths which are also available for sale.

There was also entertainment. Traditional music was played on drums, cymbals and flute. A female dancer chose a partner who came with money between his fingers. Then there was fighting using stick and shield. This fighting is called Persean which was once used to bring rain. These days, it is used by men of the village to display strength and skill. When the referee indicated who had won, the winner appeared proud as a peacock.

However still there is one purpose which is most important: teaching English to all children who live in the surrounding villages. Hopefully with support of the community and their history, and also modern ideas from knowledge of English, these children can get an education and be able to develop themselves for Indonesia and also share that world which is in Indonesia with that which is overseas.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Alpen Sultra


Bulan yang lalu, saya diajak ke ketemuan untuk bertemu dengan anggota-anggota Alpen-Sultra di kota Kendari. Dengan dukungan dan sumbangan dari penduduk, lembaga ini diberikan dana 'micro-finance' ke orang-orang, khususnya wanita, untuk memulai bisnis kecil. Sering jumlah sekecil Rp 100.000. Bisnis-bisnis yang sudah mulai dengan bantuan ini termasuk: mengolah ikan, jahitan, keriting [misalnya nasi kuning yang saya suka sekali] dan penghasilan makanan lain. Secara ini, jumlah orang yang miskin dikurangi.

Lembaga ini mulai di Sulawesi Tenggara pada tahun 1999. Sejauh tidak ada kantor di daerah lain. Akan tetapi banyak kantor cabang di Sulawesi Tenggara, misalnya di Kolaka dan Pulau Buton. Walaupun demikian saya orang asing, masih saya boleh menjadi anggota di Alpen Sultra. Sebagai anggota saya akan menerima laporan rutin tentang kegiatan lembaga ini dan juga berkunjuung ke proyek-proyek mereka.

Pada hari jumat saya mengantari Ibu Midha Karim [Directur Alpen Sultra] dan Ibu Sarni, ke rumah yang kain adat dibuat. Kain itu yang dibuat di sana adalah rancangan Pulau Buton adat tetapi yang sedih, hanya benang yang modern digunakan. Kalau benang dan zat perwarna adat akan ingin diberikan, olah akan menjadi lebih mahal, dan juga lebih sulit di rumah yang kecil, khususnya kalau ada hanya ibu rumah yang harus melakukan olah lanjut membuat kain, serta semua kerja rumah dan menjaga anak-anak.

Sudah, kalau benang modern digunakan, sambil melakukan pekerjaan yang lain ini, waktu diperlukan untuk 2 meter kain dibuat selama 2 minggu. Akan tetapi kalau pekerjaan rumah dll., diselesaikan misalnya oleh suaminya, hanya satu minggu diperlukan

Alpen Sultra sudah menerima urutan untuk 5 kain dari penjahit di Jakarta. Kain-kain ini yang Alpen Sultra sekarang mengambil, dengan dibayar Rp 200.000 setiap potong.
Kain ini tidak sesuai untuk sarong sebab hanya ketebalan tunggal, walaupun demikian kelihatan sesama kain digunakan membuat sarung. Malahan, kain ini akan dibuat sebagai tas-tas dan barang lain untuk dijual


Last month I was invited to meeting of members of Alpen Sultra in Kendari. With support and contributions from residents, this institution provides 'micro-finance' funding to people, especially women, to start a small business. Often the amount is as little as $10. Businesses which have already been started with this aid include: fish processing, sewing, take away meals [for example my favourite, nasi kuning] and production of other food. In this way the number of poor people is reduced.

This institution began in Kendari in 1999. As yet there are no offices in other regions. However several branch offices are in Sulawesi Tenggara, for example in Kolaka and Pulau Buton. Even though I am a foreigner, still I am allowed to become a member of Alpen Sultra. As member I will receive regular reports about activites of this institution and also visit their projects.

On Friday I accompanied Midha Karim [Director of Alpen Sultra] and Sarni, to a house where traditional cloth is made. The cloth which is made there is of traditional Buton Island design but sadly, only modern threads are used. If traditional threads and dye will be used, the process will become more expensive, and also more difficult in a small house, especially if there is only the housewife to do the complete process of making kain, as well as all housework and caring for children.

Already, when modern threads are used, while doing these other jobs the time required to make 2 metres kain is 2 weeks. However if housework etc, is completed for example by the husband, only one week is required.

Alpen Sultra received order for 5 kain from a sewer in Jakarta. These are the kain which Alpen Sultra now collected, with payment of Rp 200.00 for each piece. These kain are not suitable for sarong because they are only single thickness, even though appear the same as those used to make sarongs. Instead, they will be made into bags and other things for sale.